November 2018 archive

Weather Stuff 😍

Hey guys, I’m back! I know I haven’t been updating my blog recently but I’ve been really busy. Next week I’ll be updating most of my posts. But this this week is Science Week! And if you didn’t know, I love science. I mean my blog is called The Weather Girl’s Blog, sooo. This is kind of like task 1 for this week and later I’ll do the 2 truths and a lie about the weather. So I’ll give you guys an overview of me and the weather. I started liking the weather when I was about 2 years old. The thing is that I had a very bad fear of storms. I don’t like night time storms but I’m not scared of storms anymore. Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a given place and time, with regards to dryness, heat, sunshine, rain, wind, etc. Meteorology is the study of the weather.  There are a lot of different aspects in regards to the weather. One is precipitation. Precipitation includes; rain, snow, hail, and sleet. Another aspect is clouds. There are many types of clouds, but here are a few types; cumulus, cumulonimbus, altocumulus, altostratus, stratus, nimbostratus, stratocumulus, cirrus, cirrostratus, cirrocumulus, and my favorite, lenticular clouds.